Oil Petroleum Products

UCGE L.L.C is one of the world’s largest independent traders of oil and petroleum products – one of the few with a global presence .
We have extensive logistical and storage capability around the world. As a global trading house we have a detailed overview of macro and micro trends. As physical traders, we gain first-hand experience of economic fundamentals as they play out on the ground.

Petroleum products include transportation fuels, fuel oils for heating and electricity generation, asphalt and road oil, and feedstocks for making the chemicals, plastics, and synthetic materials that are in almost everything we use.

Supply & Transport of Petroleum Products(diesel-Black oil-Bitumen D6 & JP54)


In the crude oil market, we use our global presence, market knowledge and logistics capabilities to balance supply and demand, optimise supply chains and service the needs of our customers around the world. Globally, we store and transport over 1.7 million barrels of crude .



Our middle distillates trading operation covers jet fuel, diesel and gas oil. Our teams lease storage globally and use tankage to blend products to local specifications and premium-priced fuels. We trade the full range of distillates, from low to high sulphur.
Our well-integrated teams are able to shift trading style and focus in line with changing market conditions. Key to our success is the ability to coordinate activities globally and to interact with other parts of the Group to bring customers integrated solutions. We liaise closely with other trading desks and work alongside our biodiesel traders to deliver blends that meet bespoke criteria.



We are in the process of rapidly expanding natural gas business with the aim to cover all markets. We are well positioned to offer our clients the most flexible, tailor-made solutions across supply, capacity, transportation, storage and financing. We believe that such positioning will be particularly valuable as market liberalisation and the diversification of supply continue.



The gasoline team manages one of largest seaborne gasoline books. We have an active market presence in components, and extensive, strategically located tankage.
Our key strengths in this volatile market include a large storage footprint around the world, a close trading relationship with downstream investment Puma Energy and our carefully managed global distribution system.



We focus on long-term relationships and work with our customers to meet changing needs. Our broad product coverage allows us to take advantage of naphtha’s high substitutability. The naphtha teams work closely with the gasoline, condensate, crude and LPG desks to assess relative pricing for different products and grades and maximise our ability to deliver targeted, cost-effective shipments to our customers.



We work to promote biodiesel as a sustainable alternative and adjunct to fossil fuel-based diesel and are active on all the major international trade routes.
We have the ability to blend, store and transport biodiesel and ethanol anywhere in the world. Our customers include oil majors, refineries and downstream suppliers.



Our fuel oil trading team combines global presence, market knowledge and efficient logistics to connect producers and end-users.
Our teams deploy interlocking skills. Origination teams on the ground develop relationships with power generators and bunker fuel traders. Traders monitor macro-economic and market-led patterns and trends. Analysts assess potential blending strategies.



We deliver LPG to retailers and distributors as well as delivering to the end consumer for cooking and heating purposes via our partnerships with our industrial investment, Puma Energy, storing, bottling and distributing cylinders to the end users. We also supply industrial clients and chemical consumers, tailoring cargo sizes and specifications to meet the satisfaction of every type of consumer.
We work closely with dedicated LPG chartering specialists and oversee a wide range of tonnage – everything from small pressurized or semi-refrigerated tankers to Panamax Gas Carriers and Very Large Gas Carriers .



UCGE L.L.C is a leading international condensate trader. We trade in all parts of the world, bringing a wide variety of grades to market.
We have offtake agreements with numerous oil and gas producers. We are developing new uses for condensates with a diverse customer base that includes refineries, splitters and petrochemical facilities.